Lands of the Crown of Saint StephenThe information in the category "Territories" is of the general nature for the benefit of our visitors who can quickly get the general information on various territories that was once a part of the Kingdom of Hungary, or in some way share its common history.
The historical term Lands of the Crown of Saint Stephen was used to denote a group of territories connected to the Kingdom of Hungary. This system of states is sometimes named Archiregnum Hungaricum ("High Kingdom of Hungary") using a medieval terminology.The term was widely used in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries to distinguish the Transleithanian or Hungarian part of the Habsburg Monarchy (later Austria-Hungary) from the Cisleithanian territories. It meant three main administrative districts:
  • The Kingdom of Hungary proper (including former Principality of Transylvania)
  • The Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia, which had autonomy under the Croatian-Hungarian Settlement signed in 1868 and a territory known as the Military Frontier.
  • Fiume and its surroundings (separatum sacrae regni coronae adnexum corpus)
While the Diet of Hungary opposed the separation of Transylvania (being an integral part of medieval Hungary), they unsuccessfully demanded to reestablish the historical connections with Dalmatia, Bosnia, and Galicia and Lodomeria. The Cisleithanian provinces were theoretically part of the Lands of the Crown of St. Stephen, according to the historical right. The Habsburg rulers occupied these territories as "Hungarian kings" alluding to the Arpad-dynasty, but the provinces were attached to Austria not to Hungary.Transleithania: The territory reached from the arc of the Carpathian Mountains in present-day Slovakia to the Croatian coast of the Adriatic Sea. The capital of Transleithania was Budapest.After the union with Transylvania in 1848 and 1867, the term denoted only the Hungary proper and Croatia-Slavonia.On 29 October 1918, the Croatian Parliament joined the State of Slovenes, Croats, and Serbs (later the Kingdom of Yugoslavia).
Battle of Rozgony
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